Taylor Croissant, Assistant Director of Discipleship/Faith Formation
(651) 696-5518 | tcroissant@nativitystpaul.org
Thank you!
Click Here for 2024-25 Registration
CGS is a hands-on Montessori based Catholic faith formation program that focuses on Sacred Scripture and Liturgy, allowing the children to hear, ponder and celebrate the mysteries of the Catholic faith and grow in their relationship with Jesus.
The atrium is a specially prepared room where the children gather and come to know Jesus, the Good Shepherd. The atrium, located in the lower level of Nativity School, is prepared with materials that children work with as a way of meditating upon the essentials of our faith found in Scripture and in Liturgy.
Examples of materials found in the atrium include small wooden figures of Jesus and the disciples used to meditate on the Last Supper; detailed interactive maps of the Land of Israel and the City of Jerusalem to help situate Jesus as a real person in time; Jerusalem Mustard Seeds and beautiful pearls to help ponder the Parables of the Kingdom of God; and a small Baptismal font and Paschal candle used to explore the significance of Baptism.
Nativity’s Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will be offered for children ages 3-5.
CGS Level I
Class will meet once a week on Tuesday mornings from 8:15-9:45 AM from late September to mid May. The class will be mixed age to allow for a variety of class dynamics.
Tuition for 2024-2025 is $120/child.
Financial assistance is available -- we want Catechesis of the Good Shepherd to be available to any child that is interested!
For questions or more information about the CGS Program, please contact Taylor Croissant at tcroissant@nativitystpaul.org or (651) 696-5518.