Come learn more about leading your own small group starting this Lent. There is no commitment by attending, just come and discern if this is right for you. (Choose one of two sessions to attend.)
Anointing will be offered publicly after the 8:15am Mass every First Saturday, unless otherwise noted. All those experiencing serious illness or the serious effects of old age are encouraged to come and receive the special graces of the sacrament.
Wednesday:4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Except Ash Wednesday, 3/5
Saturday:3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Liturgies at Nativity of Our Lord
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church offers a variety of
liturgical experiences to meet the spiritual needs of all parishioners.
The many styles of worship are designed to help everyone feel welcome and comfortable in joining the Eucharistic celebration.
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church offers six weekend Masses, ranging from a robust, traditional "high" Mass to several featuring a more contemporary flair. The common thread is a rich experience that combines music, prayer, light and Catholic traditions to create a very special experience.
Click here for a "Mass-at-a-Glance" chart highlighting key elements of the worship experience for each of the regular weekend celebrations offered.