Through prayerful discernment, the Lord revealed to our Director of Discipleship, Mahalia Marcelin, that he
has new plans for her, and she has decided to resign from her role here at Nativity of Our Lord, effective December 31.
We are looking for volunteers to pray a rosary before the Blessed Sacrament for the repose of the souls of our faithfully, and for the comfort and healing of their families.
Each summer, food donations wane, while demand doesn’t — and this year is no different. Please consider bringing non-perishable items for delivery to Keystone, our local food shelf partner. Thank you!
My name is Ian Willnerd, and I am Nativity of Our Lord’s teaching parish seminarian. Throughout my ongoing four years of theology at the St. Paul seminary, I will be learning about parish ministry from Fr. Tollefson right here at Nativity.
I could not be more excited to serve you as your next Associate Pastor, under the leadership of Fr. Rolf Tollefson, a priest I have admired and enjoyed for nearly two decades.
The Minnesota House of Representatives Public Safety Committee will be voting on a bill to legalize physician-assisted suicide, with a hearing is scheduled for Thursday, March 7, at 10:30 AM. Read from the head of Nativity of Our Lord's Respect Life Committee about what's at stake.
Volunteers are needed to lead Word and Communion Services monthly at the Alton and Wellington homes in the area, as well as to deliver Communion to our homebound parishioners weekly.
Please consider joining the Friends of Dorothy Day in serving dinner to residents of the St. Paul Higher Ground shelter, located within the Catholic Charities campus downtown.
Eucharistic Ministers are no longer required to wear masks when distributing Communion. The priest celebrant will continue to wear a mask during Communion.
Deacon Don Tienter will preach all Masses this weekend to share the work of our society, and there will be a second collection at each. Please be generous so we can continue our help to the poor in 2022.
They are stepping down after almost three decades of generous dedication to Loaves and Fishes, and we now need two Team Leads to carry on their good work.
Catholic Cemeteries is offering a new program now through October 2, in which they will inter the cremated remains that people may have at home or stored somewhere, for a nominal fee of $200 per urn.
The priests and parish leadership of Nativity of Our Lord are currently in ongoing discussions on when and how to re-open our liturgies to public assembly as soon as is possible in a safe and healthy way.
The priests of Nativity sent a pastoral letter to all households to assure them of their prayers and support, update them on the state of operations, and inform them on how to stay connected and make the most of this time.
We have assembled a group of staff who are formulating a plan to reach out to Nativity’s households. We want to assist you in meeting your holistic needs of body, mind, and soul, however necessary.