Our Christmas gift to each family is Matthew Kelly’s book "33 Days to Eucharistic Glory," a daily prayer devotional to help us fall more in love with Jesus, Our Eucharistic Lord. All are invited to optional weekly in-person discussions on Mondays in January and early February.
By understanding the meaning of Advent and the Church’s intent for its celebration, Catholics can dispose themselves to the grace of the blessed time between now and Christmas.
The entire parish and community is invited to three Advent Days of Recollection as we introduce the mission and vision of our pastor, Fr. Rolf Tollefson, in the new liturgical year and Synod Year 2.
We are looking for volunteers to pray a rosary before the Blessed Sacrament for the repose of the souls of our faithfully, and for the comfort and healing of their families.
Fr. Erickson, aka "The Newbie," tells the tale of his run-in with our not-so-straightforward Adoration schedule, and offers an invitation and a challenge to return to Perpetual Adoration: 24/7.
This year, Nativity Council of Catholic Women instead honored two women: Mary Kay O’Rourke (pictured) and (posthumously) Bette Hoffman, co-chairs of the Prayer Line for many, many years.
Adoration will expand to include Thursdays from 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, beginning this Thursday, April 25. Thank you to all who volunteered to make it possible!
Fr. Bill Duffert will lead Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bloomington beginning July 1, and Fr. John Paul Erickson will take over as Parochial Vicar (Associate Pastor) on July 20.
Videos are being viewed in small group meetings and are now also available for anyone else who wants to learn about prayer — whether they're brand new to an intentional prayer life, or seasoned vets.
Here is the plan for the entire Lenten Series on Prayer from our Pastor, Fr. Rolf Tollefson. Videos will viewed in small group meetings and will also be available for anyone else who wants to learn about prayer — whether they're brand new to an intentional prayer life, or seasoned vets.
In the first three days of online sign-up over 170 of you signed up for 27 different small groups, filling many of them. We'd particularly like more men and more School parents sign up. Registration will close January 31.
Archbishop Hebda hopes every parishioner in every parish will eventually be in some kind of small group within the parish. Why not begin with us this Lent?
To support this initiative, we would like to identify those with the experience or the gifts needed to lead small groups starting in Lent and invite them to a training series to be held this fall.
Archbishop Hebda is asking all Catholics to pray in preparation for the upcoming Synod Assembly on Pentecost weekend -- click here for more information as well as the Holy Spirit Novena prayers.
Eucharistic Ministers are no longer required to wear masks when distributing Communion. The priest celebrant will continue to wear a mask during Communion.