There’s rich irony in the pastor of a church called Nativity missing Christmas liturgies in his first year on the job. But as a believing Catholic Christian, I’m inclined to look for God’s hand moving amidst the seemingly random occurrences in our lives.
The entire parish and community is invited to three Advent Days of Recollection as we introduce the mission and vision of our pastor, Fr. Rolf Tollefson, in the new liturgical year and Synod Year 2.
We are looking for volunteers to pray a rosary before the Blessed Sacrament for the repose of the souls of our faithfully, and for the comfort and healing of their families.
We are expanding our Donut Sunday weekends to be our official Welcome Weekends, and we want all parishioners to make time to stay after Mass to meet new parishioners, and become better acquainted with everybody else.
The stained glass has all been re-installed and is looking great! All that remains to be done is to remove the lift from the church and reinstall the pews. If all goes well, the church should be back to normal by Wednesday. Thank you for your continued patience!
The solemn feast of the Nativity of Our Lord is upon us, my very first as pastor of Nativity of Our Lord. As our Advent longing turns to Christmas joy, may God bless you and your families ever more abundantly.
As always, any baptized Catholic who is seriously ill is encouraged to contact us to receive this sacrament as soon as possible, and if anticipating major surgery to make an appointment prior.
Do you want to make a positive difference in the faith formation of our K-2 children? Please consider joining a team of adults who offer the Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass.
Fr. Patrick gives thanks for a year full of blessings, reflects on the 2nd Sunday of Advent, and invites parishioners to pledge their support for the new year.
Each year, the Catholic Church in the United States designates this third Sunday in September as Catechetical Sunday. It is a day to celebrate and pray for the Church’s mission to teach the Gospel to all people.
We currently need new volunteers for the following rosters, for both weekday and Lord’s Day Masses: Greeters, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers. Can you help?
Eucharistic Ministers are no longer required to wear masks when distributing Communion. The priest celebrant will continue to wear a mask during Communion.
Lent is perhaps our greatest annual opportunity to make a concerted effort to turn back to the Lord. Whether we are walking closely with him or have strayed far away, all of us are invited to turn again from our sins and earthly attachments and seek him ever more fervently.
Deacon Don Tienter will preach all Masses this weekend to share the work of our society, and there will be a second collection at each. Please be generous so we can continue our help to the poor in 2022.
Sunday at the 11:00 AM Mass we celebrate the Rites of Acceptance and Welcoming for our RCIA Catechumens and Candidates, an essential step along the way towards full initiation into our Catholic Church.